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Money issues cause stress in most relationships.  It is possible to improve your situation by following four steps:

Step One: Set a goal together. Setting goals, completing your action steps, and renewing your commitment creates a stronger bond and encourages harmony.

Step Two: Track your expenses together – bring clarity by recording, sharing, and reviewing all of your expenses. Whether on paper or in electronic form, seeing where each dollar goes is a powerful step toward building trust.

Step Three: Talk about the place of money in your relationship – open communication. Your love for each other may cloud your attitudes about money. Take time to explore areas where you have positive agreement as a couple, disagreement, and indecision about money matters.

Step Four: Be consistent in your money management and accountable to each other. Help each other change habits and remain intentional in money management.

It is easy to be emotional around money issues. Confusing love with money can challenge our relationships. Take action on these four steps to increase harmony in your relationship. Don’t let money divide you. Making progress on these four steps is completely under your control.