Creating SMART goals gives you direction. They make it easy to see if you’re getting closer to your target or still treading water. There are five building blocks that will help you reach your SMART goals:
Specific: Set a goal for how much debt you want to pay off. How about $24,000 in the next year?
Measurable: Now it’s time for some math. To pay off $24,000 in 12 months, you need to plan to pay $2,000 each month to chip away at your debt.
Achievable: Is your goal doable? Yes! Just make sure you use the tools you need to tackle it. Have things in place to help you—like a monthly budget, a plan that works, and someone in your corner.
Relevant: Keep your why in sight!
Time-Sensitive: Give yourself a time limit to complete your goal. Stay focused and motivated.