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Living an organized life includes disposing of old medicines. Take advantage of no-cost drug disposal:

Greenville, SC: The Greenville County Law Enforcement Center is located at 4 McGee St., Greenville or Upstate Pharmacy within Greenville Memorial Hospital, 701 Grove Rd, Greenville. The picture above comes from 701 Grove Road.

Spartanburg, SC: The Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office is located at 8045 Howard St., Spartanburg.

Flushing medicines down the toilet poses a threat to human health and can remain in our water supply. Use one of the no-cost drug disposal sites mentioned above, or look for signs at your local CVS, Walgreens or Rite Aid who periodically offer medication disposal. These pharmacies also have self-addressed envelopes that range in price from $4-6 to be used to mail your medications directly to the disposal site.

Celebrate National Prescription Take Back Day. For a national Medical Disposal Locator, consult